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📚️ Najważniejsze dane i trendy dot. subskrypcji w aplikacjach.

📈 3 trendy: Shein, Die with zero, The Rise of Dopamine Culture.

💡 Czym strategia nie jest, a czym jest?

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🚀 Strategia Growth na przykładzie Uber - w materiale znajdziesz analizę biznesową Ubera, jednej z najbardziej znanych firm działających w sektorze car sharingu. Uber odnotowuje imponujący wzrost, osiągając rentowność w ubiegłym roku i przyciągając 150 milionów aktywnych użytkowników miesięcznie. W publikacji znajdują się m.in. następujące tematy: analiza SWOT, model biznesowy - marketplace, źródła przychodów, silny brand, strategie akwizycji klientów i nowe obszary wzrostu, takie jak retail media.

📚️ Jeżeli interesujesz się subskrypcjami w aplikacjach, to zachęcam do zapoznania się z raportem “State of subscription apps 2024” (dzięki Martina 😘), w którym znalazły się następujące treści:

Price point: Many categories have standardized on $4.99 per week, $9.99 per month, and $29.99 for an annual subscription)

Kategoria aplikacji warunkuje zaangażowanie w nią w czasie: Users showed a strong preference for 1-year plans in Health & Fitness and Education apps, indicating a trend towards long-term goals. Nearly 70% of Gaming subscriptions were for 1-week plans, highlighting short-term user engagement in this category.

Trial period trwa zazwyczaj do 9 dni, w niektórych przypadkach jest wydłużony do ok. miesiąca: Nearly half of apps (47.84%) sometimes offer trials, while 28.81% don't offer trials at all, and 23.34% consistently provide trials. This is a significant departure from last year’s report, where almost 40% of apps had no trial in place. Similarly, the share of apps that always offered a trial decreased significantly from over 30% last year to a little over 23% for this edition of the report.

  • Media & Entertainment (mainly streaming) apps have relatively long trial periods, with some developers opting for 30-day trials. When games offer subscription trials, they tend to be very short (over 90% are shorter than 4 days).

  • Shopping apps provide longer-than-average trials, possibly as a means of augmenting commerce revenue — discounts and free shipping for trial subscribers can lead to larger cart sizes and higher purchase revenue, an upside for the developer even without collecting payment for a subscription.

Aktywacja trialu: Most users start trials within 24 hours of downloading an app, with Utilities (86.0%) and Business (85.1%) leading in immediate starts. In contrast, Shopping sees only 38.5% starting trials on day one, with 29.0% after 30 days or later. This is likely a consequence of Shopping’s reliance on ecommerce as primary monetisation method, and a reduced focus on immediate conversion to subscriber.

Aktywacja z trialu na płatnych subskrybentów jest różna w zależności od kategorii: Trial conversion rates vary across app categories. Travel, Shopping, and Health & Fitness excel with conversion rates of 54.3%, 45.4%, and 44.5% respectively, while Photo & Video and Gaming clearly underperform with 26.2% and 30.8%.

Notably high upper quartile rates in Media & Entertainment (60.3%), Travel (66.9%), and Health & Fitness (58.8%) indicate topperformers are particularly good at converting trial users into subscribers? Differences likely stem from how users value each category. Higher conversions in Shopping and Travel suggests strong intent, whereas lower rates in Gaming and Photo & Video may reflect more casual engagement.

LTV: Over the last year, both 14-day and 60-day Realized Lifetime Value (RLTV) grew significantly, with blended D14 RLTV across stores growing from $0.06 to $0.08, while D60 grew from $0.08 to $0.1%. Although RLTV from traffic driven by Apple Search Ads (ASA) fell, it still yields about 10x revenue compared to an average user, with a strong D14 number seemingly correlating to fast conversio? However, ASA isn't a magic bullet — there's a clear cap on profitable user acquisition, making funnel performance tracking essential

Tygodniowe subskrypcje mają niższy wskaźnik retencji: Top performers compare poorly against other subscription lengths, with the upper quartile of renewals seeing just over 40%
left after three renewals, versus ~52% for monthly subscriptions. Weekly subscriptions generally aren’t a great fit for products expecting long-term retention, but can work well for a quick return
on ad spend or for apps with limited recurring use cases. Instead of trying to win back subscribers to a weekly subscription, consider offering monthly and annual plans.

Miesięczne subskrypcje: wskaźnik retencji wypłaszcza się po 3 odnowieniu subskrypcji. Monthly subscriptions have a median first renewal rate over 60%, but retain just 36% of the initial cohort subscribers by the third renewal! With each subsequent renewal, a customer becomes more and more likely to continue renewing their subscription, causing the drop in retention to flatten out over time! At the third renewal, top quartile apps retain twice as many subscribers compared to bottom quartile apps! With a higher potential LTV compared to discounted annual plans, highly retentive monthly subscriptions are the default for consumer subscription leaders like Netflix and Spotify.

Zniżki mogą poprawić wskaźnik reaktywacji: With user acquisition costs going up and Year 1 retention dropping,
it’s good to see that reactivation is an option.
The lower reactivation rate for annual subscriptions might be a consequence of churners making a very well informed decision,
as they’ve spent a lot of time with the product. Improving reactivation rates is similar to preventing churn in the first place: Segment users to understand why they disengaged, offer discounts for re-subscribing, remind churned users what they’re missing, and make sure they understand the full value
of the subscription.

Osiągnięcie 1 tys. dolarów miesięcznego przychodu jest trudne - ale wzrost z tego miejsca jest łatwiejszy: On average, only ~17% of apps reach $1k monthly revenue, but of those that do, 59% of them reach $2.5k, and then 60% of those reach $5k.

The median number of days it takes an app to reach $1k in monthly revenue is 65 days, while getting to $5,000 takes a total of 120 days.
A trend that holds across most categories. Notable exception is Travel, which sees apps reach $1k and $2.5k faster than average, but then slows down to a crawl when scaling to $5k.


  • More apps will adopt no-trial subscription plans, moving away from the common free trial model towards upfront subscriptions for specific user segments or features.

  • The use of longer, more detailed paywalls will become more common, providing users with extensive information to justify higher price points.

W raporcie uwzględniono także szczegóły dot. poszczególnych kategorii np. health &lifestyle

📈 Rex Woodbury opublikował kolejną część “10 Charts That Capture How the World Is Changing”, z których 3 zwróciły moją szczególną uwagę:

Shein bije rekordy sprzedaży, jednocześnie wpływając negatywnie na środowisko

The manufacturing velocity is also something to behold: 8,000 new items are added to SHEIN every day, while Zara adds 500 every week.

  • SHEIN clothes are 65% polyester (double the % for Zara & H&M!)

  • Polyester is responsible for ~35% of the microplastics in the ocean

  • SHEIN ships between 2-3B items a year

  • Company emissions grew 52% last year

  • SHEIN has 10x’ed their lobbying spend in the past year

Die With Zero jako nowy trend w podejściu do pieniędzy, które powinniśmy wydawać na doświadczenia

Die With Zero, popular among Gen Zs, promotes the idea that once you’ve saved enough to fund your retirement, you should focus on having memorable life experiences. Why die with a bunch of money? Net fulfillment over net worth. Bill Perkins’s book Die With Zero came out during the pandemic and has fueled the new worldview. This line of thinking is especially predominant among young consumers, and we see the effects in the rise of payment forms like BNPL and in increasing credit card debt.

That said, consumers are better off than ever. We have more to spend. Forerunner put out a good consumer report last week, and noted that today’s median consumer has +50% in disposable dollars compared to 2000’s median consumer (adjusted for inflation). Not bad. We’re all getting wealthier.

Ostatnio przeczytałam tę książkę (Śmierć z zerem na koncie) i myślę, że wnosi ciekawe spojrzenie w kontekście “używania” pieniędzy w życiu. W dużym skrócie: najlepszą inwestycją są wydatki na doświadczenia w życiu. Polecam tę lekturę 😀 

The Rise of Dopamine Culture - rośnie zapotrzebowanie na szybkie zastrzyki dopaminy

It’s from Ted Gioia’s State of the Culture, and it shows how basically everything in life is now gamified, optimized for dopamine hits. Life is one big mash-up of clicks and scrolls and swipes.

💡 Z materiału “This is the only Strategy Framework you need. Period.” dodaję fragment, który wskazuje, czym strategia nie jest, a czym jest 😀 

 Strategy is:

NOT Vision or Mission

NOT a template to fill by teams

NOT a presentation or slide deck preferably

NOT a Product Roadmap

NOT a Inspirational Document

NOT written in stone

NOT following the latest trends

NOT about making money

NOT about beating the competition

NOT tactics

A strategy document serves as a comprehensive but sharp-like-knife narrative that effectively communicates the directions necessary to succeed in the targeted market.

W artykule znajdziesz wyjaśnienie dlaczego każde z powyższy pytań jest ważne i co się stanie, jeśli ich sobie nie zadasz. Zachęcam do przeczytania w całości 👇️ 

Na koniec 💡 

Jeżeli trafisz na interesują materiał (raport, artykuł, odcinek podcastu etc.), to prześlij go do mnie. Chętnie podzielę się nim w kolejnej prasówce #sharingiscaring ❤️ 

Dziękuję za Twoją uwagę 🤗 



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